Here's another poem I wrote for the new website
which compiles (bedtime) stories, written in rhyme, about events in history as a resource not only for parents but for teachers as well
Boudicca Warrior Queen of the Iceni
Tonight’s (Today's) story is about a queenBut not a fragile little flower
In fact a tough brave woman
The first with Girl Power
Britain has produced many warriors
Men who fought to keep Britain free
But here’s the story of Warrior Queen Boudicca,
A famous name in history

She had great intelligence
In the opinion of some
She was tall, fierce faced and harsh voiced
And had red hair, right down to her bum
She wore a large golden necklace,
And multi-coloured tunic, and cloak
She led an uprising of the tribes
Against the Roman folk
Here’s why. Her husband, the KingPromised the Romans half his wealth and landBut when the King diedThings didn’t go quite as planned
Normal Roman practiceRegarding allied kingdoms appliedThe kingdom became the property of RomeWhen the current King died
The Romans took everythingWhen they came one dayTreating nobles as slavesAnd acting in a very brutal way
The Britons were appalledAnd thought the Romans had cheatedAlso Queen Boudicca and her Princess daughtersWere badly mistreatedWhen people behave badlyThat simply isn’t rightAnd the one who feels cheatedIs ready to fight
Queen Boudicca was furious
She had never been angrier
So she created an Iceni Army
Based in East Anglia
The Trinovantes, the neighbouring tribeAlso wanted to get rid
Of the Romans, who must be punished
For the awful thing they did
So they joined forces,Led by the QueenIn, perhaps, the biggest armyThe Britons had ever seen
The Druids in Wales revolted
This made the time right
While the Roman Governor was distracted
Now was the time to fight
Boudicca’s army was successfulWith victories at Colchester town
St Albans and London
Which they completely burnt down
But when the Roman Governor returned
The Britons suffered a huge defeat
Beaten by the professional Roman ArmyAt the Battle of Watling Street
80,000 Britons were killedBoudicca managed to survive
But she took poison so the Romans
Couldn’t capture her alive

She lives on in our memoryA bronze statue can be seenIn London, of brave, bold BoudiccaThe mighty Warrior Queen
Jon Bratton 2009
If you want to read the story as a comic book...I recomment it, click the link
If you want more poems, click the link
Boudicca Warrior Queen of the Iceni which takes you to a poem by William Cowper
or if you're really brave try reading
Alfred Lord Tennyson
This 'Boudicca Warrior Queen of the Iceni' blog entry is copyright Jon Bratton 2009.This material is free to use for personal use but may not be lifted in whole or part by website publishers
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