Left click the image to enlarge itAs a self confessed search engine tart I seek out common searches which are not well catered for and this one 'Name all 52 states in USA' is a corker. On a daily basis 1200 people want the search engines to find web sites that name all 52 states and quite naturally there aren't many takers.So guys here I can name all 53...I've even thrown in the State CapitalsNote there are eight starting with MAnd none with B or EAnd eight starting with NAnd none with J, Q, X or Z(That rhymes if you are North American)Alabama MontgomeryAlaska JuneauArizona PhoenixThere's more, don't you knowArkansas Little RockCalifornia SacramentoCanada OttawaI'm sure that's soColorado DenverDelaware DoverConnecticut HartfordThe list is not overFlorida TallahasseeGeorgia AtlantaHawaii HonoluluWe're starting to canterIdaho BoiseIllinois SpringfieldIndiana IndianapolisWhat next is revealedIowa Des MoinesKansas TopekaKentucky FrankfortWe're getting there. EurikaLouisiana Baton RougeMaine AugustaMaryland AnnapolisHang on in there, BusterMassachusetts BostonMinnesota St. PaulMichigan LansingAnd that's not allMississippi JacksonMissouri Jefferson CityMontana HelenaWe're sitting prettyNebraska LincolnNevada Carson CityNew Hampshire ConcordWe're still sitting prettyNew Jersey TrentonNew Mexico Santa FeNew York AlbanyI've got more to sayNorth Dakota BismarckNorth Carolina RaleighOhio ColumbusThere's more, don't dallyOklahoma Oklahoma CityOregon SalemPennsylvania HarrisburgI knew I could name 'emRhode Island ProvidenceSouth Dakota PierreSouth Carolina ColumbiaWe're getting thereTennessee NashvilleTexas AustinUtah Salt Lake Citywhere I once got lost inUnited Kingdom, LondonVermont MontpelierVirginia RichmondWhat did I tell yeahWashington OlympiaWest Virginia CharlestonWisconsin MadisonI'm done but for oneWyoming CheyenneThat's almost the last call52 StatesBut that's not allThere's one more to nameBefore the conclusionWhat about all those folk livingIn the state of Confusion?For more click the linkName All 52 States in USAThis Name all 52 states in USA blogspot entry is copyright Jon Bratton