Old-Fashioned Valentine Verse
Here's a Valentine Verse that's been around forever
I asked God for a rose and he gave me a garden.I asked God for a drop of water and he gave me a lake.I asked God for an angel and he gave me youBe my Valentine
Another classic Valentines Verse
If I could change the alphabet,I‘d put U and I together!
Words begin with ABC.Numbers begin with 123.Music begins with do, re, mi.And love begins with you and me!
If I could be any letter in the alphabet,I'd choose "v" so I can be next to "u"
If you could be any note,I’d like you to be"re"So you're always next to "me"
Yet another St. Valentine's Verse that's been around the block
I love you, I love you, I love you almighty!I wish your pajamas were next to my nightie!Now dont be mistaken... dont be misled...I mean on the clothes line not on the bed!!A Valentine Verse of old
I love you not because of who you are,But because of who I amWhen I am with you.Valentine Poetry
A Valentine PoetryVerse your Grandmother used
If, out of time, I could pick one momentAnd keep it shining, always new,Of all the days that I have lived,I'd pick the moment I met you.
A Valentine Verse that's stood the test of time
Nobody tellsFish to swim,Birds to fly,Cows to moo,Dogs to barkThey just do.Nobody tells meTo love you.I just do!
A Valentine Poem that started life as a Carpenters song
Why do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are near?Just like me, they long to beClose to you.
Why do stars fall down from the skyEvery time you walk by?Just like me, they long to beClose to you.
This is the last of the old time Valentine Verses for now
Love is like a golden chainThat links our hearts togetherAnd if you ever break that chainYou’ll break my heart foreverLove is like a cloudLove is like a dreamLove is one wordAnd everything in betweenLove is a fairytale come trueI found love when I found you.
More Valentine Verse
This 'Valentine Verse' blog entry is copyright Jon Bratton 2009.
This material is free to use for personal use but may not be lifted in whole or part by website publishers
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