Today is not only St Georges Day but...Today is St George's and the Bard's Birth and Death dayHave the happiest of daysJust pondering...if he was born and died on the same dayHow come he wrote so many flippin’ playsJon Bratton © 2007This next one was written for a specific person…the name has been changedGOLFER / BIRTHDAY ON ST GEORGE'S DAY / EXOTIC HOLIDAYSJames Drummond Justice BrownYou've reached the big Five 0And still in shape, despite suppin aleAt 80 shillings a go ....You occasionally spoil a good walkKnocking a ball o'er dales and hillsAnd as a Tory with Healey eyebrowsYou really need your acting skillsFor Holidays you avoid the madding crowdFrom Costa del Sol you'd run a milePreferring instead the Orient ExpressOr an exotic Western IsleYou're a Noel Coward kind of chapThat's clear from the life you forgeAnd as a Taurus you share the destinyOf the Bard and bold St GeorgeExcept you're not so much a writerMore a talker, it must be saidand you've never slain a dragon.... you married her instead!This was written for a competition. It didn’t win because after I had written it, I realised that the competition had been held the year previousT'was just after Easter, I was wearing me bonnetI sat down to write this Shakespearean sonnetAs an Imperial I ne'er shout of centimetresIambically speaking, know nowt of pentametersThis sonnet's to celebrate St George's DayA rare opportunity for me to sayIt's ironic, nay verily, more idioticThat a Palestinian Turk makes me feel patrioticAt the next World Cup, may England prevailAt the Plymouth Arms, may this win me free aleJon Bratton © 2007This is one of a series of silly ditties I wrote for the webpage you can reach by following the link belowPoem For Susan GeorgeIt's 23rd AprilThis card is sent to sayTo the hard of hearing and dyslexicsToday's your special dayJon Bratton © 2007Click the LinkFor moreSt Georges Day Poems
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