This is the continuing story of Dick and Mary. But first let me tell you who invented the Snickers candy bar because every day thousands of people ask this of the search engines.

The Who who invented the Snickers candy bar was Frank Mars
Frank and Ethel Mars built a candy company in Tacoma, Washington in 1911. It became Mars Inc. In 1923 Milky Way chocolate/nougat bar was born and in 1930 the Snickers Candy Bar was invented, named after a favourite Mars family horse.
It consists of peanut butter nougat topped with roasted peanuts and caramel, covered with milk chocolate. Snickers Candy Bar is the best selling chocolate bar of all time and has annual global sales of US $2 billion.
It was called Marathon in the UK for reasons which are far from obvious and in 1990 Mars hugely increased the popularity of the product in the UK by doing what?....changing its name to the highly successful one of the previous 60 years, Snickers
Deep Fried Snickers Candy Bars are available in the US as are the more famous deep fried Mars Bars, a product born in Scotland. It is said to have been invented in the Haven Chip Bar in Stonehaven near Aberdeen on Scotland's North-East coast, in 1995. has now done its job
And talking of bars it's where we pick up Dick
Chris Barton tells a storyThat's pertinent tonightAbout an Airport lay overWhile on a returning flight
The Airport was really grottyYou can probably guess whereYeah knowing tight fist BartonHe'd be flying Eg-pt Air
That's right he was in Ca-ro AirportAs you know, that's no jokeAnd there among the squalorHe spied a cloud of smoke
Having nothing else at all to doAnd with six hours to waitHe headed for the cloud of smokeTo investigateNow this cloud of smoke was sittingSlouched against the barAnd so to be sociableChris said "Are you going far?"
"All the way" replied the smokeThen ordered another drink"What's your name?" Chris asked the smokeIt answered "Dick...I think"
They both smoked like chimneysThey occasionally had a peeAnd they got to know each otherOver a drink or three
They sustained themseves with Snickers candy barsThey were in for a Marathon boutThey probaby wondered who invented themChris would guess it was Mars, no doubt
They got totally plasteredThey had a laugh and cracked a jokeHappy as pigs in IsraelCucooned in their smoke
It was while discussing money (That's what expats do)And toasting Arab oilA thought came into Chris's headWould Dick be good for soil?
Chris didn't really know Dick thenIn that terminal loungeBut now he knew Dick was in LandscapingHe'd be handy for a scrounge
Dick's always facing scroungersFrom near and from farEven a perfect strangerIn a foreign bar
Plants, flowers, soilEven fertiliser...Dick deals in itWhat's new? Everyone in this placeHas to handle sh-t
This ditty is brought to you courtesy of Who Invented the Snickers Candy Bar
OK, Dick has had the lion's shareOf insults tonightLet's have a go at MaryIt would be only right
Does Mary like to take a drink?Was Hitler fond of war?At the '81 Burns NightShe was flat out on the floor
It was on that particular nightWhen she'd had more than a dramShe said in her defense "Am no so drinkAs tinkle peep I am"
Burns Night is reserved for ScotsBut do they invite Dick?
Yeah, they need a token EnglishmanThey need someone to kick
Yes Mary's often on the floor
But to be absolutely fairIt's not always her faultSometimes it's the chairAh yes, we discussed the Salisbury's leavingAt the Am dram theatre meetingOn the one hand, we lose Dick's flowersBut on the other, we save on seating
So you're saying Mary likes to drinkYes she does and howLook at her head..there's the proofShe's even plastered now
(Mary was actually heavily bandaged, after a fall)
I'm told that our MaryLikes the Cambridge DietHow would she know? she's always pregnantShe's got no time to try it
This ditty is brought to you courtesy of Who Invented the Snickers Candy Bar
Let's return to DickI've heard to Cyprus he's not averseWell, he hardly knows the placeBut he knows every single nurse!
I don't exactly understandWhat you just said
Well, Dick went to CyprusAnd spent the whole time in bed
You see for most who go on holidayIt's the hotel cost that killsDick books into hospitalsThe Company pays all the bills
Nine long years they've been living hereNo wonder Dick's a wreckI've heard he's got an enormous one
Yes an enormous final cheque
Right, this is verse 76Let's end this rhymeBecause yes folks, you've guessed
It's pressie giving time
This ditty was brought to you courtesy of Who Invented the Snickers Candy Bar
Those of you who would like to read the entire poem without the Search Engine quirks can do so here
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