Short skits, particularly funny short skits is a surprise frequent search but it is, unsurprisingly, beaten by short skirts given that no matter what innocent word you're searching for there are always phrases containing that word in the range from naughty to sickeningly depraved, but let's stay at the naughty end, if you'll forgive the expression.
The Americans have a word, which I've forgotten, for videos showing a glimse of underwear, or not!! when TV presenters et al are wearing short shirts. Fox News must specialise in having short skirted presenters, presumably female, because I recall seeing several Fox News clips while doing my "research". I don't know now what led me there but it was neither skits nor skirts
Anyway, I have a rhyme which I thought would help those school children and scouts, for it is they who seem to have a need for short skits scripts....easy for me to say.
So here goes
The Princess and the Frog.
This is also the name of a Disney movie starringAnika Noni Rose Oprah Winfrey Keith David Jenifer Lewis John Goodman Bruno Campos
Once upon a time, in a land far away,
While resting from her morning jog
A beautiful, self-assured princess
Happened upon a frog
She was contemplating ecological issues
On the shores of an unpolluted pond
In a verdant meadow near her castle.
Of which she was very fond
The frog hopped into her lap
"Elegant Lady, I'm a handsome prince,
An evil witch cast a spell on me.
I've been amphibious ever since..
One kiss from you, however,
And I'll be like the new James Bond, but blonder
And then, my sweet, we can marry
And live in your castle yonder..
...With my mother,
Where you can prepare our meals and such
Clean our clothes, bear my children,
And be grateful ever so much".
That night the princess dined on lightly sautéed frogs legs
On the table, were the remains of her Beau
And chuckling to herself she said:
"I don't flippng think so".
© Jon Bratton 2007
(but based on a joke, by Author Unknown)
Go to that link if you want to see a very funny upskirt (that was the word I forgot earlier) video involving a short skirt...and a ladder
It's a bit of a slog, writing a blog without feedback. I'd be made up if, before you made off, you made a comment
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