I wrote Story of Easter for Children because tomorrow is Maundy Thursday when the Queen gives Maundy Money to pensioners. Last Sunday was Palm Sunday and after tomorrow it's Good Friday and then there's Easter Sunday. Kids probably don't know anything other than it's an Eating Chocolate Fest so this is my poem explaining it in rhyme, for this blog of course but primarily as a contribution to the great new website www.history-for-kids.com
Do you know the story of Easter?
Of course you get Easter eggs so yummyBut Easter is about much moreThan just good things for your tummy
It is a Christian Church FestivalHeld every SpringAbout the death of Jesus...that's badAnd his coming to life again...Good Thing !
Palm Sunday is a week before EasterIt celebrates when Jesus rode into Jerusalem townOn a donkey, which walked overAll the coats that the people threw down
Story of Easter for Children
The people who didn’t have coatsWent to the fields where they foundPalm branches which they spreadAll across the ground
These people knew that Jesus was special.It was like when a King comes to town,They didn’t have a red carpetSo they laid their coats, and branches down.
Story of Easter for ChildrenAnd to this day a donkey is specialBecause it carried Jesus with care~If you look at the back of a donkeyYou’ll see a cross is still there
Next comes the day of the Last Supper
Maundy Thursday, when Judas was Jesus’ enemyFor silver money, he betrayed his friendIn the Garden of Gethsemane
Maundy means commandment
Jesus said at the Last Supper“I am your brother
As I have loved you
You must love one another”
The Queen of Britain gives money
Every Maundy Day
To people who are old
And no longer get any pay
Story of Easter for Children
The next day is Good FridayThe day Jesus was crucifiedTwo days later, on Easter Sunday he said"I've come back...coz I've just un-died
He didn't stay long with his friendsHe didn't die, but rather
He went straight up to HeavenTo join God, which art (who was) His Father
The word Easter comes from EostreThe name of a Saxon godd-essWho found a little birdIn a little bit of a messThe poor bird couldn't flyIt had lost more than a featherSo the goddess turned it into a hareTo survive the Winter weather
Story of Easter for Children
The hare found it could lay eggsWhich was a very strange thingSo it decorated the eggs and gave themTo the goddess every Spring
If you think that a hare laying eggsIs so very funnyRemember,that's why we have Easter eggsAnd of course, the Easter Bunny
Jon Bratton 2009
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Story of Easter for Children
This story of easter for children is copyright of Jon Bratton 2009