As Easter is nearly upon us I thought I'd bring you some Short Easter poems...just when all your cards have already been sent for this year. I drafted this entry weeks ago and then got busy.This first one was for an Aunt who wanted to send a card to her 20 year old nephew and made a card with an Easter Bunny Girl on the front
You're too old for easter eggs and things
My handsome young nephew
But you're not too young for Easter 'chicks'
So I'm sending one to you
To put a Spring in your step
Jon Bratton 2009
Roses are redViolets are blueChocolate is brownHappy Easter to youShort Easter Poems
Easter duck and Easter chick,
Easter eggs with chocolate thick.
Easter hats for one and all,
Easter bunny makes a call!
Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things!
Short easter Poems
Hello yellow
For chicks and daffodils
Playing, swaying in the Springtime breeze
Howdi brown,( not for trees)
But for Chocolate,chocolate...and more chocolate
This one is for that new breed of people
Child Rearing Grandparents
Mum (Mom) (and Dad) you know I (we) rely on youPerhaps more than I (we) oughtBut I (we) really do appreciateAll your love and support
Have a really lovely EasterAnd may all your chocs be beautiesHave a nice long rest before resumingYour childminding duties
Which I (we) hope you find rewardingNot in money terms, as suchBut knowing that I (we) and the childrenLove you very much
Jon Bratton c 2006
Happy Norther
Happy Souther
Happy Wester
Got it !Happy Easter
Guess who's hop, hop, hopping your way?
To wish you a hap, hap, happy Holiday.
Loaded with goodies made just for you.
It's the Easter BunnyThat's who.
May your Easter be wrapped in happiness .....and tied with love
Want More? Click the LinkShort Easter Poems
This Short Easter Poems blog entry is copyright Jon Bratton 2009Non commercial use of the poems is OK but not for use on websites
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