Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year poems, Quotes, Messages, Toasts

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New Year Text Messages 301208
Monday, December 29, 2008
Flippin' Men Verses Drinking
Sunday, December 28, 2008
New Year Text Messages 281208
Funny Rhyme Poem

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Examples of Onomatopoeia Poetry
New Year Text Messages 271208
Friday, December 26, 2008
Flippin' Men Verses Darts

Christmas Text Messages 261208
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Poetry Examples of Odes

Christmas Text Messages 251208
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Text Messages 241208
Flippin' Men Verses Barbecue

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Text Messages 231208
50th Birthday Poems Jokes
A woman has a face lift for her birthday.She spends $5,000 and feels pretty grand.On her way home she stops to buy a paper.And asks the man at the news stand,
"How old do you think I am ?"About 32, was the reply."Actually I’m 50," the woman saysWith a happy glint in her eye
At McDonalds she asks the same of the counter girl“Well“, she says “You certainly look great and niftyI guess you’re about 30."The woman replies, "Nope, I'm 50"While waiting for the bus home,She’s feeling good, full of gleeShe asks an old man the same question.He replies, "I'm 78 and can hardly see
Although, when I was young I could do it by touchBut I’d need to feel in your braAnd elsewhere, perhaps.To tell exactly how old you are."
They waited in silence on the empty streetCuriosity filled the woman’s headAnd finally she says,"What the hell, go ahead."
He cups both of her bosomsHe clearly likes what’s he’s foundHe slips both hands down her pantiesAnd has a good feel around.
After a couple of minutes of thisAnd before he went too farShe says, "Okay, Okay, how old am I?"He says, "50 is what you are."
British version"That’s amazing, says the woman, stunnedYou must tell me how you knew ?"The man replies, "At McDonalds earlierI was right behind you in the queue”
North American versionThat’s amazing, says the woman, stunnedTell me how you can so accurately divine ?"The man replies, "At McDonalds earlierI was right behind you in the line"
More 50th Birthday Poems Jokes
That link takes you to 60th birthday one liners but, being about getting older, it is just as relevent to 50 year olds
Monday, December 22, 2008
English Romantic Poetry

Christmas Text Messages 221208
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Text Messages 211208
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Text Messages 201208
Christmas Comedy Poems
Now if you’ve been sent here from my other website on the pretext that you’ll find great Christmas verses/poems for parents, friends, children, Christians, your pastor, your lover, your spouse and your boss then this is your lucky day for this is the very poem I’ve sent to my Mum (Mom) Arthur, my friend, my two kids, my Christian cousin, my pasta ( I don’t have a pastor but I’m particularly fond of a pepperoni pasta, which at this time of year I like to be deep and crisp and even), my lover, my spouse and my boss (those last three were just one person). Without further more, here’s the poem you have come, in droves, to see and I defy you not to copy and paste it and send it to the group of your acquaintances I have just over-spammed
Here's some
but first
and nowIf Santa was....
If Santa was a (surname)Cockneyan OzzieCalifornianLiverpudlianfrom Anytownetc
If Santa was a (New Yorker)He'd be a builder on the sideBecause chimneys are very narrowAnd Santa's very wideOvernight, there would appearA big hole in your roofAnd you'd know that Santa did itBut you wouldn't have the proofIn January, S. Claus Roofing ContractorsWould take your remaining moneyWhile you saved up for the arrivalOf the (New York) Easter Bunny___
If Santa was a (Durham lad)There'd be money to be madeGetting a Christmas singleIn the hit paradeWith a waistline just like Meatloaf'sAnd a beard like ZZ Top'sHe'd have the perfect imageTo make Top of the PopsAnd you'd have to get his recordCos' if it wasn't on your listYou'd find on Christmas morningYou'd been accidently missed__
If Santa was (as shrewd as you)He'd take a royalty shareOf the billions of Santa cardsPublished every yearHe'd be bigger than Walt DisneyAnd Spielberg put togetherHe'd move to a tax havenAnd enjoy the better weatherAnd if you expected him to visit youYou'd have to save up all the SummerHouse calls are expensiveHave you ever called a plumber?_____
If Santa was a (Techie)He'd suss out there's no wayTo visit 100 million homesIn a reindeer powered sleighHe'd use the latest technologyTo get his deliveries doneIn time to have a pint or twoAnd a bit of Christmas funThe reindeers would be his pit stop crewHe'd drive a BenettonAnd all Summer long he'd make extra doshWinning Formula One__
If Santa was a (Chav)He'd join the dole queueBecause apart from Christmas deliveriesHe's got nothing else to doBut he wouldn't put his feet upAnd watch daytime TVHe'd find himself an "earner"Strictly cash - no VATAs he's got a reindeer farmHe'd probably be foundOn a barrow, flogging cheap deer burgersOutside the football ground
Do not read this last one if you're easily offended
Christmas Comedy Poem which is rudy, dirty, naughty but not veryA most distinguished ladyWalks into a tattoo parlour, and sits down.The owner is amazed to see such a womanIn his seedy shop, in this seedy townImmediately he goes over to the womanTo find out why.To his shock, (and utter delight), she lifts up her dress,And points to her right inner thigh..Very high up.... "Right here," she says"I want a turkey with the word 'Thanksgiving' See?”Then she points to her left inner thigh“Here I want a decorated Christmas tree,And I want the words 'Christmas Day'“.The tattoo artist, still staring at the woman’s thighSaid "Lady it's none of my business,But I just gotta ask why?”"Well," replies the lady "I’m sick of hearing my husband sayThere’s never anything good to eatBetween Thanksgiving and Christmas Day"Jon Bratton copyright two-00-eight
Click on the comments to see Mariah's contribution to Christmas comedy poems about mad Christmas pressie buying entitled T'was the Night Before Black Friday
Friday, December 19, 2008
Short Funny Rhyming Poems

Christmas Text Messages 191208
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas Text Messages 181208
Short Funny Rhyming Poems
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas Text Messages 171208
Short Funny Rhyming Poems

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Text Messages 161208
Short Funny Rhyming Poems
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wedding Poem

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Leaving Poem
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Short Funny Rhyming Poems

Friday, December 12, 2008
Leaving Poem