Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sexy Text Messages a393-a395

a393: A Lebanese guy named Elias walks into a pharmacy and asks for a box of tissue papers. The pharmacist comes out and gives him a huge box of tissue papers. Elias says I do not want this huge box I only want a small one. The pharmacist says that is all right it is for the same price take it as it is subsidized by Hariri, a former Lebanese prime minister assassinated in 2005. So Elias takes it and walks away. The second day Elias returns to the pharmacy and asks for a tube of tooth paste. The pharmacist comes out and gives him an enormous tube of tooth paste. Elias says I do not want this enormous tube I only want a small one. The pharmacist says that is alright it is for the same price take it as it is subsidized by Hariri. So Elias takes it and walks away. The third day Elias returns to the pharmacy and stands outside, the pharmacist notices him, he comes out and says why don’t you come in, Elias says I am afraid, the pharmacist says, come in, there is no problem, how can I help you. Elias says I am afraid and ashamed today I need a condom.
- Gino.

a394: Jimmy goes to see his computer genius friend Charlie, in his office. The first thing he notices is a really sexy looking secretary who leads him into Charlie’s room. Charlie is busy working on his computer.

"Hey Charlie, how ya doing my man?" He says, "When did you hire your new secretary? She is hot."

"Oh I did not hire her, I actually developed her." replies Charlie, still working on his computer, "She is a robot."

"Are you serious?" says Jimmy with a whistle, "She moves and talks just like a real girl."

"Yeah, and that is not all. She makes coffee, does my filing and I can fuck her all I want." replies Charlie with a smile, "In fact, you can take her to the next room and give her a fuck yourself. She is really good."

"Yowza!" Laughs Jimmy and taking the secretary hand, he drags her into the next room, intent on fucking the daylights out of her. Soon afterwards, there is a loud scream from Jimmy.

"Oh Hell," Says Charlie, "I forgot to tell him her asshole is a pencil sharpener."
- Rabiul.

a395: Two doctors meet at a bar during a major medical conference, one male and one female. They both talk and one thing leads to another and both doctors were in a hotel room. Before undressing the female doctor washed her hands, after sex with the male doctor she washed her hands again. The Male doctor says "Let me guess, you are a surgeon." The female doctors asks "How would you know?" The guy goes "You keep washing your hands." The female doctor replies, "You must be an anesthesiologist." The guy doc asks "How would you know?" The lady replies, "Because I did not feel a thing."
- Ann.

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